"The Very Persistent Gappers of Fripp"
Got an avid young reader? They'll love this class!
In the novel, “The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip,” young Capable spends her days brushing gappers off the backs of her goats. The family’s livelihood depends on the sale of goat’s milk. Rather than the gappers spreading out all over town, they decide to descend on Capable’s yard, rendering her helpless.
The challenge of loving your neighbor brings about real character conflict, in this quirky short story. The characterization is rich in thoughts, speech, and action as our protagonist exhibits all the best qualities and normal human struggles. Alongside reading the book, we will work to enhance comprehension and do several writing assignments that accompany the theme of the book.
Academy Flex courses provide immediate access to curriculum and a teacher to grade all student work. We provide a safe learning environment and a biblical worldview in all of our courses. Teachers and Tech Support are available to you round the clock. At the end of each course, we give you a performance report for your own record-keeping!